Project Name: Stimulating Adaptive capacities of Communities (SACC) Project under Strengthening Resilience and promoting Inclusive Governance Program (STRENPO).
Project Donor: CARE International Uganda
The Overall objective: Women
and youth in vulnerable, natural resource-dependent communities, including
refugee settlements, are resilient to shocks and stresses from natural
resources degradation, climate change, and conflict/displacement.
Duration: 2018 – 2021
Location: Uriama, Rigbo, Odupi and
Omugo refugee hosting sub-counties Arua District.
In response to the environmental degradation and
climate change in communities with heavy dependence on natural resources for
food and income generation, RICE West Nile in partnership CARE International
Uganda Kampala office with funds from DANIDA, designed a project to strengthen
the capacity of women and youth to become resilient to shocks and stresses from
natural resources degradation and climate change.
The project not only aims at enabling women and
youth to actively participate in planning processes at sub-county and district
level but also, they should be able hold authorities to account for the
implementation of plans impacting their resilience.
32 farmer groups, 5 waste
recycling youth groups reached under climate resilience project and 8
field demo sites were established in Imvepi, Rhino Camp refugee settlements and
host communities in Omugo and Uriama Sub Counties to promote opportunities for
learning good agronomic practices and climate resilient agriculture capacity
40 CBOs trained on 5 Enabling
Rural Innovation (ERI) modules (Participatory Diagnosis, Participatory Market
Research, Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation, Farmer Participatory
Research and Enterprise Development) and cross cutting issues (Gender, Savings
and Loans, HIV/AIDS, Hygiene and Sanitation) to improve household food security
and incomes to enhance capacity of communities to cope with shocks and stresses
resulting from climate change and displacement.