Projects details

Project Details

Project Name: Reaching and Enrolling (out of school children) OOSC including Refugee Boys and Girls in Schools in Uganda.

Core Program Area: Community Education

Project Donor: Stromme Foundation, Project Period: 2022-2025.

Project location: Obongi District, Palorinya Refugee Settlement

Project Target Population: 15,373 children in 10 schools of Obongi District.

Project Summary:

Approaches and intervention strategies.

·      Involvement of key stakeholders in design, implementation monitoring and evaluation.

·     Leveraging for ownership and involvement of especially government in program monitoring and evaluation.

·     Model school Approach, replication; (Mama and Baba Clubs, village savings and loan associations/community managed savings group, menstrual hygiene management, school supplies, hygiene kits and assistive devices, children clubs (GEM & Bonga), classroom construction and equipment, teaching and learning materials, Wash facilities, parent led school feeding, teacher training, training SMCs, PTAs and students councils, instructional and supervisory support, inspection and out of school data collection.

·        Strategies are in line with the needs of the community. Fast changing environment, emergency/ refugee settings.

·      Through National wide OOSC mapping, baselines, and evaluations, this will provide actual need identification and alignment with desired approaches.

·         Education Systems strengthening (existing structures)

·         Advocacy, voice, and participation. Change traditional cultural norms affecting girls' education.

Priority areas for Rising project.

·         Construction and Rehabilitation of classrooms in existing schools

·         Caregiver led school feeding program.

·         Participation of disadvantaged OOSC, especially girls and refugees.

·         Provision of education to refugees and host communities.

Tue 13 Jun 2023