Projects details
  • P.O BOX 481, Arua City-Uganda, Weatherhead Lane Odaa - Plot 16 Block Awudele Road.
  • +256 393 238 163

Project Details

Project Name: a) Program for Adolescents and Children’s Education and Social empowerment (PACES) b) Program for Education, Advocacy, Counselling and Economic Empowerment (PEACE) c) Youth lead Empowerment Initiative (YEI)

Core Program Area: Community Education

Project Donor: Stromme Foundation, Project Period: 2022-2024.

Project location: Palorinya Refugee Settlement, Obongi District.

Project Summary:

RICE West Nile with support from Stromme Foundation is implementing a 3 years’ Program titled ‘Program for Adolescents and Children’s Education and Social empowerment (PACES)’ funded by AKO Foundation that aims at ensuring ‘Children in primary school and out of school adolescents in Uganda have access to formal and non-formal education. A second program implemented is Program for Education, Advocacy, Counselling and Economic Empowerment (PEACE) funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA).

Program Thematic areas: 1. BONGA 2. Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) 3. Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) 4. Community Managed Savings Groups (CMSGs) 5. Psychosocial Support (PSS)

Wed 14 Jun 2023